- 617.599.0380

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Allan Donnelly is a designer living in Cambridge, Massachusetts and moving to the San Francisco Bay area.

Allan received a Bachelors of Arts in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley and a Masters of Science in Engineering and Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked in the field of architecture for five years before returning for his masters degree.  Allan wanted to complement his design background with a greater technical and business focus, and he found exactly that in the MIT System Design and Management program.  Now, Allan uses both design thinking and systems thinking to develop holistic solutions to complex problems.

Allan’s background in design gave him a particular talent for graphic design and visualization.  Allan loves to create graphics that work to simplify and communicate complex ideas.  Allan complements this talent with strong speaking and presentation skills. He sees every presentation as on opportunity to tell a story and connect with a listener.

Allan also has a passion for facilitation.  He leads interactive workshops that are designed to facilitate group thinking and to engage participants in a collective process of creative problem solving.  Allan has performed both qualitative and quantitative research on various aspects of human creativity.  He uses both the research to inform the workshop design, and relies on his skills as a facilitator to guide workshop participants through a the creative process.